Precious Lilies N Roses Bouquet with Ferrero Rocher Moments
Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Ordered Before 4 P.M.
This gift combo has:
• 3 Stem Lilies (3*3 buds/flowers) N 12 Roses Bouquet
• 16 Pcs Ferrero Rocher Moment Chocolate Box
This Precious Bouquet comprising of 3 Stem Lilies (3*3 buds/flowers) N 12 Roses nicely tied with tissue with 16 Pcs Ferrero Rocher Moment Chocolate Box is sure to make the day of your dearest ones extra special and memorable when you deliver this item on their doorstep.
Price: Rs. 1869/-
Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.
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