Flowers to Agra, Online Flower Delivery in Agra Same Day Delivery with Free Shipping

Delectable Basket of Fresh Fruits n Assortments

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Ordered Before 4 P.M.

Product Description:

Moments turned out to be very special by ordering this Delectable Basket of Fresh Fruits n Assortments and make others feel happy. This Basket comprises of-
1. 12 pcs Fresh Fruits such as Apples, Pears and Pomegranate,
2. Ceader Cheese (100 gm),
3. Britannia Cream Cracker,
4. Almonds (100 gm) and
5. Orange Fruits Preserve.

Price: Rs. 2469/-

Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.

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